You've heard the saying, that old Andy Warhol phrase everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes. More commonly we hear about peoples' fifteen minutes of fame.
So, you might be asking; "When do I get my fifteen minutes of fame?" Well, this is your lucky day. You could be the winner of our new Cobia contest Real World Cobia!
Our crack marketing team (and your's truly) were locked away for months in our StillSecure think tank coming up with this next great promotion. We tried every kind of idea: Where in the world is Cobia?, I want my Cobia TV module, Cobia for the masses, Yellow Cobia Submarine, iCobia, Lucy in the Sky with Cobia, and my personal favorite You Can Tune A Cobia but you Can't Tuna Fish. But as always, the best ideas won out and Real World Cobia was selected.
How do you win? Well, send us your Cobia story. How you use Cobia at home, work or school. Where you use Cobia, such as in a lab, at customers sites, in the classroom, or in your own business network. Tell us about your experience. What happened when you downloaded? Did Cobia install as easily as we said it would? What's your favorite thing about Cobia? What else would you like Cobia to do? Have you checked out the source code or even begun developing enhancements, or better yet, your own module.? Tell us whatever you like, and what new capabilities you'd like to see in Cobia. Most importantly, tell us how Cobia is changing your network, your personal work, and your world!
You can send us your Real World Cobia entry in a variety of forms; a simple email or text write up, a web site or blog entry, your podcast, a music video, an article, video blog, essay or white paper. Make it a project for one of your assignments in college and kill two birds with one stone. Tell your boss it's the new network architecture you've been secretly working on in the lab that saves the company a TON of money. Hey, get some fame and be a company hero all at the same time! As long as we get your story before the deadline, and we can share your Cobia experience with others, that's what we are looking for.
What can you win? Most importantly, all the fame and notoriety that comes with winning a prestigious StillSecure contest like Real World Cobia. Plus we'll be telling everyone that you are a winner and you rock because you use Cobia! We are also giving away some great prizes; the choice of a digital camera, Apple TV, or a digital MP3 watch. The prizes are cool stuff.
Read the web site for more contest information, rules and deadlines.
Thanks for joining in on all the fun. All us here are looking forward to reading and watching your Real World Cobia entries. I personally have a lot riding on this promotion, because next time I'm really pulling hard for the You Can Tune A Cobia but you Can't Tuna Fish contest idea. Wish me luck! And best of luck to all of you who enter.